Chipotle's Guacamole

"I love Chipotle Restaurant's Guacamole! After lots of searching, I finally found the recipe in The Dallas Morning News. It was submitted by Kent Chambless, chef at one of the Chipotle Restaurants. I haven't tried out the recipe yet, but I will as soon as I go to the store and buy an avocado!!!"
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  • Mash up avocado with a fork or electric mixer.
  • Add lime juice.
  • Add all other ingredients and blend well.
  • Serve with tortilla chips.
  • Note: I think Chipotle's serves lime-flavored tortilla chips.

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  1. Epic fail: this is in no way shape or form chipotle's guac recipe the only thing she got right is avao and cilantro the ingredient list for chipotle guac is as follows; RIPE hass avocado's (1 case about 50 avao's) 2 cups choped(do not bruise) cilantro. 2and1/2 cups finly diced red onion. 1/3 cup finly diced jalapinos. 1/2 cup citrus juice(chipotle use's a blended citrus juice consisting of 80/20 lemon and lime)and 2 tbl. kosher salt..I have worked at chipotle for a long time and I make this every day. and oh for best results mash the avao's by hand. oh and the chips, fried in soy oil and seasoned with kosher salt and fresh squeezed lime.
  2. A very good guacamole recipe. I've made this twice in the past week. The first time I used the full amount of cilantro, and found it was a bit much (even making the guacamole a bit dry), so I made it again. I cut the amount of cilantro in half, and it still had plenty of cilantro flavor, but it turned out much better. I'll make it again.
  3. Definitely Epic Fail! I gotta agree with Chef #1520765 - Epic Fail! Who knows if either this recipe or the one Chef #1520765 gives are really Chipotle's - at a minimum - the ratios are all wrong for this recipe. I have a guac. recipe with similar ingredients but different ratios; mine is a good recipe, but definitely not Chipotle's. I thought that maybe these ratios would make my recipe better - NO! I used red onion, and only one serrano (only had one); It was too salty, and there was way too much cilantro & onion. I love garlic, but it ruined this guac (I'm now convinced garlic does not belong in guac). After tasting this disaster, I added two more avocados to help dilute the onion, cilantro, salt, etc... - I probably needed to add ten more. Basically good ingredients - Probably wrong ratios - Definitely NOT Chipotle's recipe!!!
  4. Good but I made some changes to the recipe.. only 1 teaspoon of lime juice, use red onion (instead of just any kind of onion), and no cilantro. Turns out very good.
  5. While it tasted pretty good (a little heavy on the cilantro though), it does not taste like Chipotle guac at all, sorry. Chipotle guac does not have garlic, and it definitely has red onion and jalapeno.


<p><br /><br />The picture is of me and my husband at the Grand Canyon - November 2008. <br /><br />I've just started a food blog and would love for those interested in cooking and recipes to check it out. You can follow my food journey at <a href=></a></p> <p>Cooking for family and friends is one of my favorite things to do. I spend most of my free time in the kitchen, either checking out Recipezaar or experimenting with a newly found recipe. <br /><br />My DH and I are both from Texas and we both come from Italian families. Anyone who stops by my house should be prepared to eat!!! I'm always forcing friends and family to try whatever it is that just came out of the oven. I know that is a horrible habit but I can't break it... I think it must be the Italian in me! LOL :) <br /><br />My sister (<a href=>Cookin_Kit</a>) and I used to help my Mom (<a href=>JudaThann</a>) in the kitchen a lot growing up. I guess that is where my love for cooking began. I also enjoy sharing the kitchen with my DH (<a href=>Sgt. Pepper</a>). He doesn't cook as often as he did when we first got married, but he makes an awesome pizza and still makes them at least twice a month. He keeps his recipes for the dough and the sauce top secret, even from me. LOL <br /><br />I have two step-children. The oldest graduated from college and the youngest is a sophomore at Texas Tech. I also have two cats and a dog. When I?m not cooking or hanging out here at Zaar, I like to knit, garden, read, watch old movies, travel, take photos, scrapbook, volunteer at a non-kill animal shelter, and spend time with my family and friends. <br /><br /><img src= alt= /> <br /><br />I'm a co-host with <a href=>Karen From Colorado</a> in the <a href=>Mexican/Tex-Mex/Southern United States Cooking Forum</a>. Come visit us sometime! <br /><br /><img src= alt= /> <br /><br />I'm also a co-host with <a href=>Richard-NYC</a> and <a href=>Dee514</a> in the <a href=>Italian Cooking Forum</a>. <br /><br /><img src= alt= /> <br /><br />Games that I've participated in: <br /><img src= alt=Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting border=0 /> <img src= alt=Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting border=0 /> <img src= alt= /> <br /><br /><img src= alt= /> <img src= alt= /> <br /><br /><img src= alt=Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket border=0 /> <img src= alt=Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket border=0 /> <br /><br /><img src= alt= /> <img src= alt= /> <img src= alt=Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket border=0 /> <br /><br /><img src= alt=Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket border=0 /> <img src= alt=Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket border=0 /> <br /><br /><img src= alt= /> <br /><br /><img src= alt= /> <br /><br /><img src= alt= /> <br /><br /><img src= alt= /> <br /><br /><img src= alt= /> <br /><br /><img src= alt=Photobucket border=0 /> <a href= target=_blank><img src= alt=Photobucket border=0 /> <br /><br /><img src= alt=Photobucket border=0 /> <img src= alt=Photobucket border=0 /> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><img src= alt= /> <br /><br /><br />Last updated on September 24, 2008 <br /><br /><br /><img src= alt= /></a></p>
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