Asparagus Mousse

"I like the way all the different textures and flavors pop in your mouth."
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  • Whip juice into cream cheese.
  • add mayo and WELL mashed asparagus.
  • Set aside.
  • Dissolve jello in boiling water and cool.
  • When cool combine with other indgredients.
  • Add almond extract and almonds.
  • Pour into 9x13 pan and refrigerate until firm. Cut into squares.

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  1. Hi There, made this the other night and the residents kept asking what it was! They ate every bit that was on their plates! So, we decided to put it on their "menu" once every couple of weeks. I am very happy that we could share in this cook-a-thon! We will serve it in "Cafe Ponce", our new in-house restaurant which has an a la carte menu and the special of the day is what is served to the rest of the home!! However, instead of almond extract - I just added the nuts. Thanks so much for sharing, Diane :)
  2. I will have to say that after I read this recipe I was intrigued and had to try it. My nephew LOVED it and he can't stand eating asparagus. I tried it out on the family for Sunday dinner and once most of it was eaten, I volunteered the fact that it was aspargus. They didn't believe me. I did make a substitution of vanilla extract instead of almond as I didn't have any in my pantry, but I don't think that made that much of a difference. This was more a jello salad type dish to me and I will be making it again.
  3. I'm sorry but I didn't like this recipe at all. I'm a very open-minded person when it comes to ingredients. Even though it seemed like there was no way this could taste right I gave it a shot anyways. I've been surprised before. I like all the ingredients...just not mixed together. The flavors popped for me as well...right out of my mouth.


On September 12, 2007 Recipezaar lost a wonderful friend and member after a battle with cancer. Chef I Am will always be remembered in our hearts as an outstanding baker, wife, friend and First Class Nut (ZWT3 team). She was an active participant in the forums and a valued member of Zaar. She will be missed by all! If you have a question about one of Chef I Am's recipes, please feel free to ask in the forums. Chef I Am's last entry: Ummmm let's see there really is not that much to tell you about myself. I am married to the most wonderful man on the face of this earth. I do have a daughter that is 20 years old and a 14 year old step son. We live in a small small town right outside of Memphis, TN. I am a housewife most of the time, I teach cake decorating classes at a local arts and crafts store for my mad money. I enjoy cooking and trying new recipes, BUT due to a very picky eater husband I often times have to wait to try a new recipe for special occasions. The only thing he basically eats is steak, baked potatoes and rolls..OH God does this man love rolls. But he will not try any veggies at all. We recently bought a brand new home that has a very large kitchen that I enjoy spending time in. In my spare time I enjoy reading and working puzzle books. I also spend a great amount of time watching the food network. Well that is all about me, or somewhat. <img src=""> <img src="" > <img src="" > <img src=""> <img src=""> .
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