Aspirin, Yes Aspirin, Face "mask"

"I heard about this, and researched it on the internet. I have used it several times now, and love it. Apparently the aspirin has salicylic acid which works like a gentle acid peel, removing dead skin, tightening skin, shrinking pores, helping with acne & facial warts. This treatment makes your skin noticeably softer, fresh & radiant. One "recipe" for this that I found suggested adding jojoba oil to help it "stick" & not be so powdery, but I found it harder to remove & also I read that moisturizing right after would affect the action of the salicylic acid, so I assume adding oil to it might do the same, so after the first time I omitted it, consequently I wait to moisturize by a few hours, or the next day. If you have very dry skin, you may want to go ahead and moisturize right after, although I have not found this to be drying to my skin. I do this before showering as it's much easier to remove in the shower. The mixture is very powdery as it dries, so be ready to hop in the shower once it starts falling off & flying around (you'll see what I mean) to avoid getting it in your nose & eyes. I apply it to my neck, chest & both hands (including the backs) as well as my face. **Also, use your best judgment if you have sensitive skin when you decide to try this, it's always a good idea to test a small area when you try anything new & see how you'll react before you cover your face in it."
photo by gailanng photo by gailanng
photo by gailanng
Ready In:


  • 16-20 aspirin, tablets (non coated, crushed)
  • 1 fluid ounce glass sized glass filled 1/2-3/4 with water


  • Crush aspirin until fine, pour into container.
  • Add water filling small shot glass sized glass to the 1/2-3/4 mark.
  • Stir with toothpick, keep toothpick in glass and stir as you use.
  • As you apply it to your face, dip your fingers to bottom and "scoop" up mixture, as it settles.
  • Apply to face, neck & chest if you like.
  • I always found that the palm of the hand that I applied it with was very soft afterwards, so last time I also applied it to both hands front & back, which exfoliated the dry skin on the backs of my hands nicely.
  • By the time you get to your last parts the first place you applied will be drying & flaking, so apply to your face Last (if you're applying it to other areas as well).
  • **If you plan on applying it to more than just your face, you should start out with the minimum of 20 tablets, you can experiment with what is enough, adding or reducing the # of tabs needed the next time (so remember what you did & if it was enough or too much).
  • This mask can be used 2-3 times a week.
  • I find that plain olive oil applied in the evening or the next day is a wonderful moisturizer.
  • Also note that if you have some leftover, you can let the aspirin settle to the bottom (takes 5-10 min or so) & then carefully pour off the water on top & set it aside in your glass to let dry & then rehydrate it to use for spot acne treatments until you're ready to you do your whole face again.

Questions & Replies

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  1. I tried this using 4 crushed non-coated asprin, a tablespoon of plain yogurt and a drop of honey and no water. I left it on for twenty mintes. it worked great. I have large pores and pretty oily skin. It really cleaned out my pores and inproved the overall texture of my skin. I'm planning on using this once a week. Thanks for posting this recipe.
  2. I'm not going to rate this, because it probably works really well for some people, but for my super-sensitive skin it was just too much. I broke out in little blisters (not really pimples, red irritated blisters) all over my face, and my skin was red as if it had a sun burn. I guess what I had was a chemical burn, rather than just a peel. So, I guess I just want to say this is not really good for people with sensitive skin!
  3. Made my skin as smooth as a baby's behind. My usual advice for how to never see another wrinkle: Break all your mirrors. Works for me.
  4. This reciepe is so good. I used coated aspirin because that is all I had but it worked like a charm. I also used it on my hands and on my neck and chest. I have tried MANY beauty products and this is the best mask I have found. It gets all the yucky skin off and leaves a soft beautiful glow. My make-up went on so nice the next morning. Thanks for the tips the shower to get it off is the only way to go.


**Please if you find my recipe through another site and try it, please return here and give it a rating, please!! :o) I love cooking, and have for as long as I can remember, (of course it goes with-out saying that I also love to eat). I guess I come by it honestly, as the majority of cooking I learned from Grandma, & my Dad (who learned from her). My Dear Grandma just passed away this past week (7/16/08), I have a few of her recipes posted on here, I hope people are inspired to try her Lead Cake & Cranberry Salad in her honor. I wish I had more of her recipes to share here, but those were my 2 favorites, which is why I made sure I had at least as those 2 recipes years ago. I was just recently showing my 13 yo son the first recipes that I ever created and wrote down, my first when I was approx. 8. My son loves to cook as well, so he also created a profile on here as well, (fawndog, don't ask me what it's supposed to mean lol) and has had fun posting recipes, particularly from an authentic civil war cookbook that we have. I am more of a "dump cook" rarely measuring, so I have had to start paying more attention to amounts and steps in case I create something I want to post on here. My family calls me the "Condiment Queen" since my refrigerator is mostly full of condiments, I would actually be embarrassed if I counted how many bottles & jars I have, & actually admitted it! Is there such a thing as condiment addiction? I wonder. Anyway, I love to use my variety of condiments when I cook, which I sometimes find difficult when sharing recipes on here, because many of the things I use are obscure, gourmet, & hard to find, because of this, some of my best recipes I don't feel I can even put on here. My recipes range from complicated, unusual ingredients, to pleasantly understated & simple, (kind of like me when I think about it) & could even be said to be closer to ideas, then even recipes lol. I love to make jelly, I have recently discovered that I Can bake, and have always appreciated spices, it took me a lot of years to realize more isn't Always better lol, (although my spice cabinet is also an entire kitchen cupboard so maybe I haven't learned that). I have probably created thousands of recipes as I have cooked over the years, but have not formally documented them, until now. The only time I follow a recipe exactly with-out messing around with it, is on here, so I can give fair reviews, if I do change things I try to be specific about what I changed. I hope you enjoy my recipes, if you have any requests, I have a fairly large collection of cookbooks from all over the country as I have inherited family member's cookbooks who traveled a lot. (Although, with the internet, you can find most anything now-a-days anyway). I find that I am really enjoying "Zaar", what a great community of people, it's fun to share recipes, see what ideas people come up with when adapting to suit their tastes, and of course getting reviews makes it even more fun. Although my pet peeve on here is when people give a lower rating when they seem to like the recipe with no explanation of why, OR change something in the recipe and then give it a low rating, duh! Please if you run across my recipes and try them, but aren't a member, please come back and sign-up real quick and leave me a review! :o) Please visit my web-site to find out more about me & what I "do" lol. <img src="">
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