My Mom's Mulligan Stew

"This is so simple and so good. When I grew up and left home I would come back for visits and Mama would have a big pot of this made before I got there. Now that she is in a nursing home, I bring it to her. The seasonings are simple so you may want to adjust or add to your own taste. I always serve this over rice but it is fine on its own as well."
photo by Charlotte J photo by Charlotte J
photo by Charlotte J
Ready In:
2hrs 15mins


  • 1 (8 ounce) can Spam, cut up in small dices
  • 1 (15 ounce) can stewed tomatoes
  • 6 -8 potatoes, peeled and cut up
  • 1 large onion, diced fine
  • 3 tablespoons mild salsa (not part of mom's original recipe)
  • water, enough to cover all ingredients
  • salt and pepper


  • Cut up potatoes and spam (if you haven't already) and put them into your pot or crockpot.
  • Add the can of tomatoes, juice and all.
  • Dice onion and add it with the salsa and salt and pepper.
  • Pour in enough water to cover all the ingredients.

Questions & Replies

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  1. Made for PAC, Spring 2007 ~ I have an aversion to SPAM, but since I'm also on a kick to make & try things I might not do otherwise, I decided to make this 'as is,' & it was a little bit more than just OK! However, interestingly enough, the others who ate it [& I DIDN'T tell them what was in it!] liked it very, very much, so..... If it had been just me, I'd have rated it MAYBE 3 stars, but with the others making such a fuss, I had to make it 4! I'd be willing to try it again with, say, diced chicken, 'cause, you see, I have an aversion to SPAM, and...
  2. This was even better the second day as the broth thicken overnight in the refrigerator. I did like your addition of the salsa. I left the skins on the potatoes and used my mandoline set at 1/4 inch if I remember correctly. I did not cover the potatoes with water as I thought it would turn into a soup. However I did add about 1/4-1/2 cup of water. Thank you for posting this recipe.


I am a full time writer and Criminal Justice student living in Summerville, SC (small city about 45 miles from Charleston). I am married to... you guessed it...Mike, who is my prince charming and Santa Claus all rolled into one. We have two cats, Ares and Hercules and run a not for profit, Circle of Light SC, promoting education and tolerance between persons of all faiths and providing networking and support for Wiccans and Pagans in SC.
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