How to Disect a Whole Watermelon (Fast N Easy)

"It seems that watermelon is messy when the juices get outside of your mouth because of the rind. This is how I cut up a watermelon and hope you find it helpful. Steps 1-5 also work great for a whole pineapple. This is also a great base for fruit salad. Simply add some grapes, strawberries, kiwi, etc. Toss and serve at your next outdoor gathering."
photo by 2Bleu photo by 2Bleu
photo by 2Bleu
photo by 2Bleu photo by 2Bleu
photo by 2Bleu photo by 2Bleu
photo by 2Bleu photo by 2Bleu
photo by 2Bleu photo by 2Bleu
Ready In:
1 watermelon




  • You don't need the water, I needed to add it to post this technique. You will need:1 butcher knife, 1 large cutting surface, 1 very large bowl.
  • Lay the watermelon onto the cutting board on it's side and cut off one end just to expose the pink flesh.
  • Turn the watermelon around and cut the other side. Stand the melon up on one end so it is sitting flat.
  • Using your butcher knife, begin from the top and cut a section of green, curving around the midsection and down to the bottom. Try to cut where you expose the meat but not cut too far into it. Don't worry if you miss some of the rind. Place the cut-off rind into the large bowl.
  • Continue cutting the melon starting at the top and cutting down to remove the rind, turning the cutting board (or melon) as you go. You may miss some rind on the bottom, but no worries.
  • Cut the watermelon in half longways from top to bottom. (careful as this can be slippery), Turn the halves face down so that the center of the melon is now on the cutting board and it is laying flat. Now you can easily trim any remaining rind off. Now your bowl if full of rind, simply discard it and use bowl for the melon.
  • Begin with one half of the melon and place one hand on top with fingers and thumb spread up and out so you don't cut yourself. Slice the watermelon horizontally in half. then cut strips, turn cutting board and cut strips in the other direction to make cubes and place into the bowl. Do the same for the other half of the melon. Serve with forks and enjoy.

Questions & Replies

  1. whats the reference nutrient value per gram


  1. The most important instruction should be to THOROUGHLY WASH the skin of the melon before cutting into it. Otherwise, you are inoculating the flesh with all the bacteria from the field and the pickers and everyone who handled it, and exposing those who eat it to some really nasty pathogens. This is true of nearly all fruit.
  2. Thanks so much, was much easier, faster and less messy than my usual ordeal
  3. This method works very well! It was quite nice to the watermelon cut and ready to nibble on and add to fruit salads. Thanks for the post.
  4. Instructions very clear w/ several pictures of the whole process. Thank you! I'll definitely be using this technique on the 4th
  5. These instructions are pretty unclear - video or pics would have helped. Another part of the problem is that you don't describe what the instructions are for, i.e.: cutting off the rind and cubing the watermelon. For some stupid reason, is promoting this recipe as if it showed how to cut uniform watermelon slices like a pro.


Original Zaaarite. Food lovers. Lynnda passed away in March 2020. Her recipes live on here for everyone to enjoy and Rick continues the tradition. We will forever live together through our food. Live well. Eat well.?
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