Chili Casserole

"When I had left over Chili my kids wanted this dish. You can also make it in little Frito Corn Chip Bags (just cut open one side of bag pour Chili over corn chips, dot with sour cream, give them a plastic spoon) and they are good to go. No muss no fuss. They are sold like that at country fairs."
photo by lauralie41 photo by lauralie41
photo by lauralie41
photo by lauralie41 photo by lauralie41
Ready In:


  • 2 (46 1/2 ounce) cans chili (or left-overs)
  • 2 (16 ounce) bags of grated cheddar cheese
  • 2 (16 1/2 ounce) bags corn chips, crushed
  • 32 ounces sour cream (of course amounts will vary depending on amount of people you will be serving)


  • Pre-heat oven to 375°.
  • Heat chili in a pot first.
  • Put layer of crushed corn chips on bottom of roasting pan.
  • Pour chili over corn chips.
  • Cover with grated cheddar cheese.
  • Place in oven until cheese has melted.
  • Serve with hot dogs - hamburgers.
  • Dollops of sour cream on chili optional.
  • Kids like it just by itself, especially if you pour just chili in a Frito Corn Chip bag topped with sour cream.

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  1. DH loved this and had two helpings! I made half of the recipe with a 40 ounce can of Hormel chili with beans and 9 ounce bag of Fritos. Warming the chili in the pan first makes the casserole the perfect temperature when coming out of the oven. Topped with some extra crushed Fritos and sour cream. A good meal by itself! Thank you MISSIB for being such a good girl during PAC!
  2. We use to have this when I was a teenager. Mother would prepare in an iron skillet, add sliced onions and perhaps just a bit of water. Pop it in the oven, and before long we had a great meal for cool winter nights. Thanks for reminding me of this easy recipe.
  3. This was great--my teenagers especially loved eating out of the bag. I usually serve my Recipe #149226 with sour cream and cheddar cheese but switching the usual bowl for a bag of chips really made it fun. They all wanted to just eat them out of hand rather than use a bowl, so the dog enjoyed it as well! Next time, they either use a bowl or they go outside. :)


I currently live in Inverness, Fl USA came from MA USA I was born and raised in Massachusetts. Went into Womans Army and was a cook in Anniston Alabama, from there went to California where I worked as a secretary, got married had 2 wonderful sons. Husband was a southerner and he taught a lot of southern dishes. My grandmother taught me a few Portugese dishes, so i have a little variety. Owned 3 small home based businesses plus a clothing consignment and a Traveling Gift Shop For fun? I like to sing Karaoke, Crafts of all kinds (till my stroke) Favorite cookbook? I like them all My passions? My two grown sons and granddaughter (they are the best that has happened to me)FUND-RAISING OF ALL TYPES PET PEEVES: RUDE PEOPLE - to me there is NO excuse for rudeness or being mean <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a> <img src=""> <img src="" border="0" alt="Made by Bella14ragazza"> . <img src="" border="0" alt="Hidden Gems Spring 2007"> alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"> <img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"> <img src="" border="0" alt="RSC-HiddenGem-part" title="Photo and Video Sharing"/>
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