Bread Machine Sourdough

"Sometimes I just like a different type of bread. This one is tasty and different, and has the sour dough taste."
photo by PaulaG photo by PaulaG
photo by PaulaG
photo by Karen Elizabeth photo by Karen Elizabeth
Ready In:
1 loaf




  • Spray bread machine pan.
  • Bake as per instructions for your machine.

Questions & Replies

  1. I'm very intrigued by this recipe. I just recently got into bread making and I'm using an older black and decker bread maker machine. I have a few questions, if someone wouldn't mind clarifying for me. 1. What is bread enhancer? Or do I go to the store and does it say "bread enhancer"? I usually find things if I act like I'm making a shopping list for the recipe and that didn't help. The store didn't recognize it online. 2. Is it regular yeast or quick rapid yeast? 3. I noticed it saying the bread taking 3 hours. On my machine it has 2 options. White/wheat with powdered milk or white/wheat with reg milk. I've only made wheat bread so far and the recipe called for powdered milk and it took about 4 hours to bake. Would use the liquid options since it calls for yogurt? Thanks in advance for helping to answer my questions. I'm excited to give this a try.
  2. Can I use 1/4 teaspoon ginger as the bread enhancer?


  1. I thought this little recipe was an absolute gem! I made it in the bread machine but on the dough cycle and then lightly kneaded it and put it to rise in a loaf tin. After it doubled in size I baked it and it turned out to be very flavourful, everyone agreed that it had a sourdough taste. I used a tablespoon of fresh milk instead of powders or enhancers and it worked out fine. I highly recommend trying this wonderful bread. Edited to add: I made this again adding a teaspoon of sugar and a tablespoon of wheat germ and it was even more delicious. I also made it on the bread machine on the basic 3 hour cycle and it was great.
  2. Wonderful sourdough bread. I used to have a starter in my fridge but the flipping thing was just so much work! This is a marvelous stand in. The yogurt gives it a nice softness, and I also put in 1/8 t. of citric acid to tart it up a bit more. I don't care for bread machine loaves so I baked mine at 375 for 40 minutes and it was just so good. I took it to a family dinner today, but I'm making another loaf just for us tomorrow. Thanks a bunch, Chef Dee.
  3. Loved the simplicity of this recipe. The bread is nicely textured with a hint of sour. After cooling, the bread slices very well. Made as per recipe.
  4. This was marvellous, easy to make and turned out perfectly. The loaf has very good texture and colour, and tastes just as it should, we enjoyed this and I will make it again. NB I added dried milk powder in place of the bread enhancer, I used 1 teaspoon (5ml), for every cup of flour. Thanks, Chef Dee :D


  1. This was marvellous, easy to make and turned out perfectly. The loaf has very good texture and colour, and tastes just as it should, we enjoyed this and I will make it again. NB I added dried milk powder in place of the bread enhancer, I used 1 teaspoon (5ml), for every cup of flour. Thanks, Chef Dee :D


<p>My mother was known for her cooking and baking and I am so happy that I was able to pick up her great skills.</p> <p>I enjoyed many years as a stay at home Mom, whipping up all sorts of large meals and baking of all kinds. Time does not permit many hours in the kitchen anymore, but I still like to entertain when possible and I am always searching for the latest greatest new recipe to add to my tried and true collection.</p>
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