How to Make Kimchi

Kimchi is a spicy, fermented cabbage dish that is widely used in Korean cooking. With just a few simple ingredients, you can make your own at home!

By Jin Park

Homemade Kimchi

Homemade kimchi? It's easier than you think! With our step-by-step guide, you'll have savory, spicy, ready-to-eat Baechu-kimchi (cabbage kimchi) in just a couple of days.

Step 1: Wash & Section Cabbage

First, you'll want to prepare your napa cabbage. Rinse the outer layer of the cabbage, then pat dry. Cut the cabbage lengthwise from the core to the middle. Then, pull both sides away from the center leaving you with two equal parts. Repeat until you have four sections.

Step 2: Trim & Slice Cabbage

Trim any damaged or bruised areas since they can add bitterness in your kimchi. Slice away the core parts and discard. Cut cabbage leaves into pieces—roughly 2-3” long. Place them into a large mixing bowl and set aside.

Step 3: Add Salt

Mix sea salt (reserving 1/3 cup) with water and stir until dissolved, then pour the mixture onto the cabbage. Next, sprinkle and distribute the reserved salt.

Step 4: Toss

Toss the cabbage with both hands, making sure salt is mixed evenly. Wear gloves if you have sensitive skin.

Step 5: Cover & Wait

Cover the mixing bowl with plastic wrap. This will help speed up the brining phase. You can also use a lid if you have one. Let the cabbage sit at room temperature for one hour.

Step 6: Toss Again

The cabbage will be somewhat wilted at this point. Give it another toss, cover the bowl and wait another hour.

Step 7: Make Rice Paste

Put the rice flour in a small bowl and slowly add the hot water while stirring. Mix until smooth. This rice paste is a great thickening agent and also helps in fermentation. Let the mixture cool.

Step 8: Make Spicy Paste

Make a spicy paste by combining minced garlic, gochugaru, anchovy extract, plum syrup and sugar in a medium size bowl. Add in cooled rice paste and stir well until well combined. Taste and adjust for heat, adding more gochugaru if desired.

Step 9: Add the Green Onions

Roughly chop the green onions, add them to the paste and mix well.

Step 10: Rinse & Drain Cabbage

After two hours of brining, the cabbage is ready to be rinsed. Submerge the cabbage completely in cold water, then swoosh and drain. Repeat this step three times. Next, put the cabbage in a strainer or colander to drain completely. This step will clean your cabbage as well as wash away the saltiness.

Step 11: Mix Cabbage & Paste

Prepare gloves and a big mixing bowl. Combine the paste with the cabbage and mix until well incorporated.

Step 12: Transfer to a Container

Transfer the seasoned kimchi into a clean container. Give it a firm press to take out the air bubbles, leaving a bit of room at the top to prevent overflow. Place a lid on top and tighten. Clear glass jars are great for kimchi since they won’t leave a stain.

Step 13: Let It Sit

Let the kimchi jar sit unopened for 1-2 days at room temperature.


Your homemade kimchi is now ready to eat! Enjoy it with a bowl of warm rice or alongside your favorite Korean dinner!