Hot Dog Egg Burritos

"All I can say is that it's simple, tasty n healthy."
photo by Charlotte J photo by Charlotte J
photo by Charlotte J
photo by Charlotte J photo by Charlotte J
photo by Charlotte J photo by Charlotte J
photo by Charlotte J photo by Charlotte J
Ready In:




  • Cut hot dogs in thin slices.
  • Cook in small amount of butter until browned.
  • Stir in beaten eggs and cook the scrambled eggs as usual. Remove to plate.
  • Top with slices of cheese and melt in the microwave for about 20secs.
  • Roll up all ingredients in flour tortillas.

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  1. I made one of these for my 4 year-old's lunch today. She thought it was very funny to put a hot dog in a "taco" and she ate all of it. I don't really care for hot dogs myself, so I made mine using sliced pepperoni & shredded cheddar. That was good, too. I'm not sure I'd consider this a healthy lunch, but it was fun and easy. Thanks for sharing!
  2. This is a great recipe, we were going away for the weekend and I was looking for some easy tasty supper meals to make..I printed this off and packed all the ingredients..put it all together quickly and easily and we all enjoyed our meal. Thanks for sharing.
  3. The kids enjoyed the addition of the eggs in this recipe. I make the same thing but omit the eggs. I used lean hot dogs, a half of a slice of cheese on an 7 inch soft flour tortilla in making your recipe here. Renee, thank you for sharing, I'll add your recipe to my "Daycare Favorites" Cookbook.
  4. Made these for today's lunch, as I needed something quick 'n easy, but instead of slicing up the hot dogs, I had reheated some already grilled Chipotle Hot Dogs in the microwave, and placed them (whole) in a heated floured tortilla along with the cheesy scrambled eggs. I topped one with ketchup, and the other with some hickory barbecue sauce. They were filling as well as good!! This was a nice way to use up some leftover grilled hot dogs, as well as the floured tortillas I had in the fridge. Renee14, thank you for sharing this quick, easy recipe!
  5. This got mixed reviews. Some liked it better without the flour tortilla. It is very quick and easy. Thanks Renee14. Bullwinkle


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