Homemade Fabric Softener

"Here is an alternative fabric softener. You could also add some essential oil for fragrance, if you like."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:
1 gallon


  • 1 cup glycerin
  • 1 gallon water


  • Mix together in a large bottle.
  • Add 1/2 cup to washing machine rinse cycle.

Questions & Replies

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  1. I like the recipe with 1/2 cup of vinegar instead of glycerin. It's cheaper and is a lot better for static.
  2. I was excited to find a recipe for fabric softener, because I'm allergic to the perfumes in commercial fabric softeners, and the unscented costs more than the scented. I made up a batch with high hopes, which were not met. My clothes were a little bit softer than without fabric softener, but this recipe did nothing for static. I'm sure it would work for people who live in low-static areas, but it just didn't do the job for me.
  3. I was looking for a recipe to use up the bottle of glycerin I got from Oman, when I stumbled upon this. This is so easy to make and worked very well on my garments. I used some orange essential oil as well and the clothes are not just soft, but they also do smell wonderful. Now I do feel and smell(of oranges, ofcourse!) like a girl from the Orange County!;-)Thanks Amy!


  1. I like the recipe with 1/2 cup of vinegar instead of glycerin. It's cheaper and is a lot better for static.


I live in Florida with my mother and my daughter. I stay at home, so I have time to really get into cooking. I grew up cooking for my mom and my brother, and they both say I am one of the better home cooks they've met! But since my mom's idea of cooking is opening soup cans and my brother lives in NYC and eats out a lot, that may not be saying much! I am one of those people who reads cookbooks just for fun, even when I am not looking for a recipe. My favorite cookbook is "The American Woman's Cookbook" from 1930-something. My grandmother had a copy of it, and my mom found a copy for herself years ago (updated for the 1960's) and she gave me that copy when I moved out on my own. I like it more than "modern" cookbooks because it has actual recipes in it; not just heat and eat steps! When your recipe requires you to use your can opener and packet opening scissors more than your knife and spice cabinet, something is wrong! Right now, I am trying to learn to cook the cuisines of Asia, mostly India and Vietnam. I am also trying to learn to bake bread. My mom may not be able to cook without Campbell's soup, but she can bake homemade bread like no one else!
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