Honey Mustard Roasted Chicken

"SparkPeople e-mailed this recipe to me today I'm going to post it here so I can find it when I want it. It is a "rich, flavorful honey mustard chicken with carrots and potatoes.""
photo by LifeIsGood photo by LifeIsGood
photo by LifeIsGood
Ready In:
1hr 10mins




  • Toss potatoes and carrols with oil, salt and pepper in a shallow baking dish.
  • Place peeled garlic cloves among the veggies
  • Sprinkle rosemary over veggies.
  • Place chicken on top of veggies.
  • Bake uncovered in oven at 425 degrees for 30 minutes.
  • While chicken & veggies are baking, mix mustard and honey together.
  • Remove pan from oven.
  • Place chicken on seperate plate.
  • Spread honey-mustard all over the chicken.
  • Stir veggies.
  • Return chicken to veggies.
  • Bake additional 10-20 minutes, until chicken is cooked and veggies are tender.

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  1. Needed to get dinner on quickly, so added some nice, crisp celery stalks and onion quarters, to the potatoes and carrots, and put the skin-on/bone-in thighs on top. Could have baked a tad longer but was "done" in stated time. A VERY tasty and easy combo ! Thanks, QB 4/08 Had some fingerling potatoes, baby carrots, and GIGANTIC bone/skinless breasts - "sort of" cut back for 2 servings, but cut chicken breasts in half. Nice flavor -- easy prep. I also used dijon mustard and added some honey. Thanks, QueenBee, for posting.
  2. This was good but the mustard flavour was stronger than I expected and we are not big fans. I will try again with Dijon mustard but I was trying to use up regular mustard.
  3. Easy and delicious, one dish meal. I used dijon mustard. We Loved It !!!
  4. I really enjolyed the simplicity of the preparation of this dish, and the delightful taste of both the chicken and the roasted vegetables. Having everything prepared and cooked in one dish made for quick clean-up. I used extra garlic (our taste preference) but otherwise prepared the recipe exactly as directed, and it was positively delicious. Thanks for posting this recipe, QueenBee.
  5. I'd promised a neighbor couple I'd do up a chicken dinner for them & their 2 visiting kids today, so this recipe came in very handy, AND I had all the ingredients on hand, too, since I used 5 chicken breasts, each cut into thirds (They get all but one of the pieces.)! In our house we both enjoy honey mustard, so this will definitely be something I'll be making again, just for the 2 of us ~ I particularly like the combo of honey mustard, rosemary AND ALL THAT GARLIC! A Great Treat! [Tagged, made & reviewed just for the 'Halibut!']



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