White Cheddar Macaroni and Cheese

"This is the ultimate comfort food! I loved when my Mom made this for us when I was a kid. It's definitely decadent, I make it mostly for family get-togethers and it's always a hit. The sharp cheese and the breadcrumb crust make this macaroni dish unique. Enjoy!"
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:




  • Preheat oven to 350°F.
  • Cook macaroni pasta per package instructions. Drain and set aside.
  • In a medium saucepan on medium heat, add butter and cook until melted.
  • Remove saucepan from heat and add flour. Whisk constantly for 1 minute.
  • Return saucepan to medium heat and add milk and stir to combine.
  • Heat mixture until Milk is hot but not boiling.
  • Chop white cheddar cheese into smaller squares (you can also grate cheese) and add to milk mixture.
  • Cook for 10 minutes or until cheese is completely melted.
  • Add Parmesan cheese and stir to combine. Cook until all cheese is melted, about 2 more minutes.
  • Add macaroni noodles to saucepan and stir to combine pasta with cheese sauce.
  • Pour into a casserole dish or a ceramic, oven-safe crock.
  • Sprinkle breadcrumbs on top of macaroni.
  • Cook uncovered for 30 minutes. Let sit for 3-5 minutes after cooking to cool.

Questions & Replies

  1. Has anyone made this ahead of time? Like the night before? Will it dry out? Should I add more milk? Or any other suggestions?
  2. Any suggestions on what other cheese to use than this one? If not able to find this specific one. Thanks


  1. I literally made an account on here so I can leave this review. I recently got my first apartment and have been looking for easy but tasty recipes that I can make. This Mac N Cheese was UHMAZZINNGG. I think I should have salted my pasta a little more, but the recipe itself is perfect. I can't wait to have some friends over and impress them with this. LOVED IT!
  2. I was a little concerned about the ratios in this recipe, after deciding to make it, as it didn't seem that there was enough flour to thicken the sauce, and that it would just be milk with melted cheese in it. I wasn't brave enough to follow through completely, so thickened it slightly with some cornflour and water.<br/>A well flavoured mac cheese recipe...the sharp cheddar really makes it.<br/>Made for SPRING PAC 2012.
  3. I loved the sharpness of the cheese, and the simplicity to make it. Definetly a new favorite, this will be the third time I make it. Joined Recipezaar just so I could review this.


  1. I used italian breadcrumbs for a little kick, highly recommend it!


My name is Jennifer and I live in Orlando with my husband. When I'm not working, I'm in my kitchen cooking healthy, cheap meals for myself and my husband. I discovered not too long ago that a lot of chemicals and additives are put in many grocery items that are commonly used for convenience. Since then, I have tried to come up with inexpensive, quick recipes for things from pasta sauces to salad dressings. I'm definitely not a pro at cooking, but I am learning more everyday!
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