Super Easy: Creamy Cucumber Salad

"This is actually the creamy version of my other recipe Recipe #382231. My DH actually prefers the creamy version more, but it totally depends on what type of Italian dressing I have on hand as to which one I make."
photo by Nasseh photo by Nasseh
photo by Nasseh
Ready In:
24hrs 20mins


  • 12 cup creamy Italian salad dressing
  • 3 cucumbers (medium sized)
  • 2 tablespoons chives
  • 1 cup onion


  • Peel and slice cucumbers and onions very thinly (I use a mandolin for this).
  • Place cucumbers, onion slices and salad dressing in a container that has a tight fitting lid.
  • Place the lid on and give the container a couple of shakes which will coat the cucumbers, chives and onions with the dressing and toss the salad.
  • Place container in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Enjoy!

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  1. This was a really good salad. We ate it all up!!! Letting the flavours merry over night is a wonderful tip... really enhanced the flavour. thanks acadia!!! made for ramadan tag 2009
  2. No lie! This is Super Easy and Super Yummy! I made a small batch using fresh locally grown onions and a cuke from our CSA box; fresh chives from our garden. My favorite creamy Italian recipe is this: Recipe #34649 which I used. I threw everything in a Mason jar, shook, and refrigerated for 24 hours turning the jar upside down and right side up a few times when I remembered. Went well with my ZWT tagged roast lamb recipe, too! Thanks! Reviewed for Veg Tag/August.
  3. I had to use Tuscan Italian dressing because my Creamy Italian was out of date. (It also has a creamy texture.) I left out the chives & sprinkled on some salt. Made for Ramadan Tag
  4. Not assigning a rating here as I think problems with one recipe hampered my results for this dish. Always looking to economize and keep the collection of condiments down, I decided to make my own dressing using Recipe #11045. Alas, there were some problems and while the taste of my cucumber salad was good, the appearance was very unappealing. I really liked the more complex mix of flavors that emerged and plan to make this again as cucumber salads are a favorite.


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