Shower Head Cleaner

"Is your shower head clogged? Is it slow running or at a lower pressure than normal? Try this simple and easy fix for most shower head problems! Be careful not to get the vinegar in your stings!"
photo by Dreamer in Ontario photo by Dreamer in Ontario
photo by Dreamer in Ontario
photo by ARathkamp photo by ARathkamp
Ready In:
24hrs 3mins




  • Fill a turkey baster with white vinegar and lemon juice.
  • Grab an old shower cap and fill the shower cap with the vinegar from the turkey baster.
  • Secure the cap to the shower head, keeping the shower head immersed in the vinegar, with rubber bands.
  • Leave it on for 24 hours, then remove the vinegar and plastic shower cap and scrub the showerhead with an old toothbrush.

Questions & Replies

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  1. I just use plain white vinegar and it works great. Not sure what the lemon juice is for. It also works on faucets and the vegetable sprayer in the kitchen sink.
  2. Wow! Didn't have a shower cap but it worked just fine with a freezer bag and rubber bands.I love homemade cleaners.Thanks for another great recipe!
  3. This works so well. I used a plastic bag and rubber bands, since I didn't have a shower cap.
  4. Worked great! While I didn't have a shower cap, my shower head is on a hose, so it reached down to the ledge, where I set a 4 cup measuring cup with the solution in it. I let the showerhead soak in the measuring cup, and it came out clean as a whistle! I can't believe how much was clogged and I didn't realize it until it's clean now! Will definatlely use this again! Thanks, breezermom! Made for Zaar Stars Tag.
  5. Not leaving a star rating because I wasn't able to leave it on the whole time stated. It did make my shower smell clean and fresh and took off some the buildup! Thanks so much for posting! Made for I Recommend Tag Game.



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