Low-Carb Custard

"I got this off another recipe website. I 'tweacked' it to fit my taste. I also would like to try this recipe with an egg substitute to help reduce the fat. I used 6 oz ramekin dishes and had plenty to fill 8+ dishes. I made it for dessert and I enjoyed it as breakfast the next several mornings."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:




  • Set oven to 350 degrees F.
  • Beat the eggs and add heavy cream, water, flavor extract, and artificial sweetner together.
  • Blend well.
  • Pour mixture into 6 to 8 ramekin dishes (depending on size).
  • Sprinkle with the cinnamon or nutmeg on top.
  • Place ramekin dishes inside a larger baking dish of cool water.
  • Be sure the level of the water is 1/2 way up the dishes.
  • Bake for 30 minutes or until center is firm.
  • Let sit for 5 minutes before serving or refrigerating.

Questions & Replies

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  1. Great recipe! I substituted low-carb milk for the heavy cream (adding 3 carbs but saving 700 calories), and it tasted great. Next time I will probably use a little more Splenda.
  2. I made it with half-and-half as I didn't have heavy cream on hand, and used the new "Nectresse" as the sweetener. I used 3 packets because I wasn't sure how much to add, but next time I make this I will use 5 or 6. Oh - also changed the quantity to 4 instead of 8 on the dropdown - didn't want to make a ton of it!
  3. I have used this recipe exactally as it is many, many, many times & everytime it turns out perfectly! Love it, especially with a little bit of whipped cream on top!
  4. This worked great with Truvia (about 10 packets) and a square of dark chocolate when warm. Also a nice breakfast when eaten cold from the fridge. Thanks for the recipe.
  5. You need AT LEAST 1/2 cup of splenda and I would definitley put the cinnamon in the custard in addition to a sprinkling of pumpkin pie spice or nutmeg on top. It is really good though..especially when you're on Atkins or SBD!


  1. Love this recipe but added more Sucralose. We like it sweeter than what was called for. Also, I added Almond Extract with the vanilla extract and cinnamon with the nutmeg. I baked it 10 more minutes than the 30 minutes that was listed. It made 10 servings so I had to use 2 cake pans with water for the ramekins. Delicious!!
  2. I have my second batch in the oven right now! Hubby LOVES this. He's on Atkin's and this is a wonderful, easy dessert for him. I cut the recipe in half and use DaVinci vanilla syrup (with Splenda) instead of vanilla extract because both brands of extract I have had sugar listed in the ingredients. I think if you made this recipe into 8 servings the carb count would be somewhere between 2 and 3 per serving. Of course, it depends on how much Splenda you use too. Thanks for making DH so happy!


After a divorce and moving back in with my parents, I realized how much I missed my own kitchen. It's a personal place for me. I now absolutely love cooking, especially for my new husband in my own kitchen. It's funny how you appreciate things more when you go through a change-of-life situation.
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