Lavender or Rosemary Cleansing Lotion

"A cleansing lotion to sweeten and soften bathwater and use as a hair rinse after shampooing. Using both flowers and leaves will work."
photo by Bonnie G #2 photo by Bonnie G #2
photo by Bonnie G #2
Ready In:
1 quart




  • Soak lavender in vinegar place the jar near a sunlit window for 1 to 2 weeks.
  • Add 1/2 cup per bath and 1-3 tablespoons for a hair rinse.

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  1. A nice bath addition. I used dried lavender. I didn't get much scent, but the vinegar and herb combination was nice for my skin, even after a long soak.
  2. Rita, if I could, I would give you way more stars than the 5 I have already given you!! I went out especially to buy rosemary just to try this recipe. I have this solution sitting in a really funky jar I found somewhere in my travels...and sitting beside my bath so I would use it! I did change it to apple cider vinegar (my own preference) and absolutely loved it! My scalp develops these "bumpies" after I have my hair streaked and I find vinegar sooths and settles down my scalp! (My DD, the hairdresser, just shakes her head sometimes and wonders what planet I have come from!!) I no sooner started using this and was loving it, before I had the second batch brewing up!!! Apple cider vinegar in a bath really helps bring the PH balance back to damaged or sensitive skin. I would wholly recommend this recipe to people who suffer from poor skin!!
  3. Thanks Rita, I really had fun with this one. Just finished using it on my hair and it feels great and such a nice scent. I used the lavender, but next time instead of use the buds and leaves - think I'd use whole sprigs and let them float in the jar. Breaking them up meant I had to strain and remove all the buds before using it on my hair and the whole ones could just be left to float (and look nice) in the jar. But have to say, I really like the outcome a lot. I used lavender this time but next time (and there will be a next time) I'll try the Rosemary. This would also be great for gifts and I may just add it to my Christmas baskets this year. Thanks again for a wonderful idea.
  4. I used this today and, yes, my hair is soft and shiny. That is really saying something cause I have really, coarse, wiry, thick hair (not quite as bad as it sounds - especially after a stint with the blow drier) and I've been dying it for years, so it's not often this soft unless I use very expensive commercial products. I used rosemary in my lotion.



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