Broccoli Soup

This is a simple, comforting, delicious soup. You can dress it up for a special occasion if you like, but I like it during the week with some fresh bread. A very quick meal, and a great winter dinner. Show more

Ready In: 35 mins

Serves: 4-6




  1. Reserve several broccoli florets for garnish.
  2. Take the rest of the broccoli, the potato, garlic, the stock, a heavy pinch of salt and place all into a large pot over high heat.
  3. Bring to a simmer and cook until the vegetables are soft, 20 minutes or so.
  4. Meanwhile, cook the reserved florets in a little salted water until just done and still bright green.
  5. Drain and set aside for service.
  6. At this point add the curry powder, if using.
  7. If not, transfer the vegetables to a blender or food processor (or use an imersion blender- I love mine!) and puree the vegetables with some of the stock until well pureed.
  8. Return to the pot.
  9. Taste, adjust for salt and pepper.
  10. Add the cream or yogurt, stir to combine, heat to serving temperature.
  11. Serve by spooning into bowls or cups, put a few drops of cream or yogurt in the center to decorate, and place a few of the reserved broccoli florets on top for garnish.
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