I live in New Zealand, I'm married and my husband and I have no children....but we do have a dog (Bruno the Poodle), and a cat (Gus the Birman)! Back in November 2000, I resigned from a 17yr career with Air New Zealand as a Purser. I am now working as a Private Investigator with my husband - having his own Investigation Company. The work is varied and at times very rewarding as I'm sure you can imagine! I have an absolute passion for shoes...what woman doesn't??!!!, and fashion generally, including that of Home Interiors and furnishings, and gardens. I enjoy, among many past-times, art, gardening, water ski-ing, power walking, and ofcourse...COOKING!!(and entertaining). I guess my pet peeve would be running late for an appointment somewhere! 10 minutes early = 10 minutes late with me!! So, ON time is VERY late!!! If I had a month off - no work, and no responsibilities I would buy 2 return airfares to Honolulu!! And spend 2 weeks on Waikiki Beach with my husband and 2 weeks at home in the kitchen!! And entertaining friends and family.