Revolutionary, Apartment-Friendly Dishwasher Cleans More Than Just Plates

Tetra could change the kitchen appliance market forever.

By Ethan L. Johns
January 12, 2018

Image: Frog

Walk into a young person’s New York City apartment and there are a few comments you are likely to hear. “Oh my god, you have a dishwasher,” is one of them, the under-counter steaming behemoth being a luxury most definitely not shared by all. With a new, compact appliance, however, one tech company might be changing that.

The Tetra dishwasher, produced by Heatworks and designed by Frog, was unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show on Sunday to the delight of prune-fingered apartment owners everywhere. Compact and connected, it sits on a countertop and is built to accommodate the needs of the average household, which is made up of 2.58 people.

No more waiting to fill up a massive dishwasher, or washing by hand because you don’t have one; the Tetra can wash either two place settings, 10 plates or 12 pint glasses at once, with interchangeable parts to suit the needs of the user. Even better, it gets your dishes done in 10 minutes flat.

With the app, users can program the machine depending on what’s inside. And since the cover is clear, you can watch it as it works its magic. It can even wash fruit, steam clean your clothes or cook a piece of fish!

The unit is completely self-contained, so there’s no need to connect the Tetra to a water source or waste valve. Users pour about a half-gallon of water in at the beginning and then dump it out at the end. Heatworks estimates that switching from hand-washing to using the Tetra could save consumers 1500 gallons of water a year or more.

The machine heats water using what they call “Ohmic Array Technology,” which scrambles mineral particles in the water, causing them to bounce around like they’ve got fire in their pants.

The Tetra will be available to purchase in the latter half of 2018, and is expected to retail for under $300, making it the perfect gift for your impoverished college student who is incapable of washing their own dishes. Or for, like, anybody else you can think of.

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About Ethan L. Johns

Ethan is the Food News Writer at Genius Kitchen. An expert on the Parisian bistrot, he likes bitters and salted butters, and is no fan of dessert unless it's made with fruit. His hobbies include reading up on the history of borscht and attempting to roll perfect couscous by hand. Twits & Instagram @EthanLJohns