Jennifer Garner Ships Girl Scout Cookies with Personalized Notes

The actor plays a new superhero: Supermom.

By Ethan L. Johns
February 15, 2018

Image: Jennifer Garner/Instagram

Jennifer Garner affirmed two things this week when she chronicled her daughters’ Girl Scout cookie sales on Instagram. First, that celebrities are people too. And second, that Girl Scout cookies are a universal truth, beloved by all.

Over the weekend, actor Jennifer Garner posted a photo to her Instagram account that showed her standing outside of a supermarket with a sign, which advertised all sorts of Girl Scout cookies.

“Why yes, kind sir, we do have Thin Mints. #tistheseason #comeandgetem #whodoesntloveagirlscout,” she captioned the photo, which featured a man pointing at her in the background.

Garner, mother to one boy and two girls—one Girl Scout and one Brownie—quickly sold all of her cookies, but revealed that she had purchased a few boxes and wanted to send them to those of her Instagram followers who didn’t have the privilege of knowing a Girl Scout.

“While my Girl Scout and Brownie have to sell their own cookies, I did buy a limited number of boxes from them to share with you guys,” she said, according to People. “So if you truly have no Girl Scout in your life, please send me your order and your address and I will try to hook you up.”

On Tuesday, she followed through, providing Insta-proof that she had boxed up a whole bunch of cookies and was in the process of shipping them off to her fans. For those lucky cookie-lovers, she even included personalized, handwritten notes.

Perhaps the best takeaway from this story is a marketing lesson for all the Girl Scouts out there. If you want to sell a lot of cookies, get a movie star to come hold your sign. Or sell them outside of a marijuana dispensary—the choice is up to you.

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About Ethan L. Johns

Ethan is the Food News Writer at Genius Kitchen. An expert on the Parisian bistrot, he likes bitters and salted butters, and is no fan of dessert unless it's made with fruit. His hobbies include reading up on the history of borscht and attempting to roll perfect couscous by hand. Twits & Instagram @EthanLJohns