Vegetable (Quinoa) Burgers

My first taste of quinoa was when we dined in the Stable Cafe at the Biltmore. It was so tasty I asked the waitress what it was and she gave me the recipe. I would recommend using this Quinoa-Toasted before boiling your quinoa. Prep time does not include toasting your quinoa prior to assembly. These can be served on hearty buns or alone. I made 7 generous sized burgers. I cooked & froze the extra burgers for another meal. They are a bit labor intensive. I made ahead, chilled in layers of foil. Show more

Ready In: 1 hr

Serves: 7-8


  • 1  zucchini, peeled sliced thickly lengthwise
  • 1  squash, peeled if necessary, sliced, I did not use
  • 1  red bell pepper, remove seeds & slice lengthwise into 6 strips, can substitute bottled roasted peppers
  • 1  red onion, peeled and sliced
  • 1  large  portobello mushroom cap, substitute several small
  • 1  tablespoon  olive oil for brushing  vegetables, more for cooking the burgers
  • 1  cup quinoa, raw
  • 4  large eggs, slightly beaten
  • 1  bunch parsley, stems removed, chopped, approx. 1 Cup loosely packed
  • 5 -10  garlic cloves, minced, more or 5 -10  less depending on size cloves, I used 5
  • 1  cup  breadcrumbs, plain
  • 1  cup oats, several quick pulses in a food processor
  • 1  tablespoon lemon juice
  •  salt, to taste, I used 1 1/2 teaspoons
  •  pepper, to taste, I used generous dusting


  1. Peel and slice vegetables. Brush lightly with olive oil for grilling. Grill until tender and caramelized. Cool down and rough to medium chop.
  2. Recipe #16399 is suggested before boiling your quinoa.
  3. In the mean time, bring 2 cups of water to a boil. Cook quinoa for 7 minutes. Drain all excess water and cool. NOTE: you are not to fully cook the quinoa. 7 minutes is the suggested time and what I used. It give the burgers a great texture.
  4. Combine all ingredients. If mix is too wet, add more oats.
  5. Form patties. I used a patty press. Cook in a lightly oiled nonstick pan.
  6. Serve with your favorite condiments on a toasted bun.
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