Vanilla Pear Breakfast Pops

Fruit is often considered essential to a healthful breakfast, and an ice pop is just a fun treat. But what would happen if the two became one? A healthful ice pop? And a fun-filled breakfast food that eats like a treat? If you answered both you win, and so will your kids. Each of these ingenious breakfast pops provides a quarter cup of fruit, along with calcium-rich yogurt. Kids can make them the evening of a slumber party, freeze them overnight and start the next day with both a fun and a nutritious breakfast food. Show more

Ready In: 10 mins

Serves: 7

Yields: 7 pops




  1. The night before, combine ingredients in a blender or food processor, and with an adult watching, puree on high until smooth. Pour into 3-ounce, ice-pop molds; the mixture will make 7 ice pops. Insert the sticks that come with the molds and freeze overnight.
  2. The night before, combine ingredients in a blender or food processor, and with an adult watching, purée on high until smooth. Pour into 3-ounce, ice-pop molds; the mixture will make 7 ice pops. Insert the sticks that come with the molds and freeze overnight.
  3. Servings: 7.
  4. Nutritional Information Per Serving: Calories 50; Total fat 0g; Saturated fat 0g; Cholesterol 0mg; Sodium 20mg; Carbohydrate 11g; Fiber 11g; Protein 1g; Vitamin A 0%DV*; Vitamin C 2%DV; Calcium 4%DV; Iron 2%DV.
  5. * % Daily Value.
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