Tarartir-At-Turkman (Bonnets of the Turks)

A delicious, sweet, brandy-flavoured Turkish pastry from 'The Best of Lebanese and Middle Eastern Cooking', posted for the 2005 Zaar World Tour. I have not yet made these, so what appear below are my guesstimates of the preparation and cooking times. From the accompanying picture, they look delicious, and I love the sound of them from the ingredients. I'd love to learn how and why they came to be called "Bonnets of the Turks", but my internet search not only failed to provide an answer to that question, but also failed to provide another recipe anything like this one. Show more

Ready In: 45 mins

Yields: 30 Tarartir-at-Turkman




  1. Beat the egg yolks and salt until thick and lemon coloured.
  2. Add the sugar and brandy and continue to beat; add the yoghurt; then stir in the sifted flour, working by hand into a dough.
  3. Knead the dough on a floured board until the dough begins to blister, then roll it out as thinly as possible.
  4. Cut the dough into ribbons about an inch wide, then divide it into 3 inch long strips.
  5. Make a down the centre of each strip and carefully pull one end through.
  6. Fry the pastries in heated oil until they are puffed and just golden, turning them once.
  7. Drain them on absorbent paper and once they have cooled, dust them with sifted icing sugar.
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