
This recipe is authentically & traditionally Lebanese. Its healthy and lovely to eat on those hot summer days. Best to have it wrapped up in Lettuce leaves than bread. Its so refreshing. No Tabouli salad should contain garlic, peppers, vinegar, mint, scallions or cucumber. Please note the crushed wheat should never overpower the parsley. Show more

Ready In: 30 mins

Serves: 6-8




  1. Place crushed wheat in a cup of luke warm water.
  2. Chop parsley finely.
  3. DO NOT use a blender.
  4. Dice tomatos.
  5. Squeeze Lemons.
  6. Have oil ready.
  7. Place the crushed wheat at bottom of salad bowl.
  8. Add Parsley, Tomato, Oil& Lemon.
  9. Add Salt& Pepper to Taste.
  10. Stir generously and place in fridge to chill.
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