Stroopwafels (2) no yeast required

I haven't made these (no wafer iron) but have tasted them, made by two dutch family friends in a contest to see who's were best. Can't remember who thought they'd won, but both were yummy. Don't know where they got their recipies, but they are from their family cookbooks I think. Show more

Ready In: 1 hr

Yields: 30-40 wafels




  1. Knead all the wafter ingredients together and make into little balls.
  2. Place balls into wafer iron and bake for about 30 seconds.
  3. Put onto a board and cut in half so that you get two wafers.
  4. Note: if the wafers are baked too long you won't be able to seperate them, but take care not to under-cook them either.
  5. Put all the syrup ingredients into a cooking pan and mix until you get a substance that can be spread.
  6. Don't make it too thin or it will run out of the wafers.
  7. When filling the wafers keep stirring and to keep it smooth you can keep the pot on a (candle lit) teapot warmer.
  8. Put the syrup between the wafers.
  9. It's possible to store these in the freezer.
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