Sikarni (Spiced Sweet Yogurt-Pistachio Dessert)

This is a rich Nepali dessert made from thickened whole-milk yogurt flavoured with nuts and sweet spices. Show more

Ready In: 1 hr

Serves: 5




  1. In a large bowl, mix yogurt and sour cream together.
  2. Pour the yogurt mixture into a large colander with a cheese cloth liner.
  3. Allow draining for about 12 hours.
  4. Transfer the mixture into a mixing bowl.
  5. Dissolve saffron, if used, in luke warm cream.
  6. To the yogurt mixture add sugar, cinnamon, black pepper, cardamom, nutmeg, dissolved saffron, and pistachio nuts; fold in thoroughly.
  7. Chill overnight in refrigerator.
  8. To serve, scoop a cup of chilled dessert into a serving plate, topped with a generous amount of unsalted, shelled, whole pistachio nuts.
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