Salsa Verde

I have been seeing tomatillos in the market for a while now and let me tell you, they've been taunting me. A name like a tomato, the look of garlic and, as I later found out, the tartness of an apple. But don't let that discourage you from making a spicy salsa out of them! I toyed around with this recipe and I really enjoy it. The directions may look long but it's SOOOO easy! Show more

Ready In: 20 mins

Serves: 4




  1. Pre-heat oven to 375.
  2. Peel back the leaves of the tomatillos and chop of the top of the tomatillo just as you would a tomato.
  3. Wash very well.
  4. Cut in half.
  5. Cut the top of the shallot, but leave the root.
  6. Peel off skin.
  7. Cut your green pepper in half.
  8. Take out ribs and seeds and either cut pepper piece in half or leave whole.
  9. Cut the stem off the jalepino and cut in half long ways.
  10. Place all on a baking sheet and using about 1T olive oil, drizzle over ingredients. Coat everything very well and evenly.
  11. Face everything on the pan cut side down.
  12. Place in oven for 10-15minutes.
  13. Once time is up, remove baking sheet and using a spatula (or your tool of choice) place tomatillos and peppers in food processor.
  14. Cut the root off the shallots and the ribs and seeds out of the jalepinos. Discard seeds and ribs. Throw the rest in the food processor as well.
  15. Juice half of one lime into the processor and put in 1/3 cup cillantro, 1/8t chili flakes.
  16. Blend and add more s&p to taste! Serve with tortilla chips or at a taco bar!
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