Raspberry-Vanilla Yogurt Muffins

I found this recipe online (don't remember where now) several months ago, and though I've only made these once so far, they were very good. It's been so long since I made them that I don't remember all the changes I made, but I do remember that I used half oat flour and half all-purpose flour, and added some chocolate chips instead of the walnuts. When my roommate found some chocolate chips in her muffin, she referred to them as "hidden treasures." :) Show more

Ready In: 35 mins

Serves: 12

Yields: 12 muffins




  1. Cream butter, shortening, and sugar.
  2. Add yogurt, vanilla, and berries; mix well.
  3. Add flour, nuts, nutmeg, soda, and baking powder.
  4. Bake at 375* for about 20 minutes.
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