Mashed Potato Puffs

This recipe is very easy to make and looks impressive on a plate - but the best part is the flavour - it is outstnding. Show more

Ready In: 40 mins

Yields: 9 puffs




  1. boil potatoes until fork tender. Drain and return to the heat for approximately 2 minutes stirring - to eliminate any leftover water.
  2. Mash the potatoes and let cool.
  3. in a separate bowl - beat (with a hand mixer) together eggs, butter, cottage cheese, salt and pepper until fluffy.
  4. Add the cooled potatoes, onions and garlic and mix together with your electric mixer.
  5. heavily spray a mufin tin with pam or other spray.
  6. spoon the mixture into the tins approximately 3/4 full.
  7. Bake at 450 for approximately 25 minutes (ovens vary). The potatoes wil lpuff up and get a little brown on top.
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