Hungry Girl Cinn-A-Nilla Apple Oatmeal Parfait

The first time I made this recipe, it was okay. I wasn't thrilled about it because I found that I like my oatmeal warm, not chilled. The second time around, I skipped the chilling step, ate it warm, and was much happier with the results. Show more

Ready In: 2 hrs 15 mins

Serves: 1




  1. Combine oatmeal ingredients in a small nonstick pot. Add 3/4 cup water and mix. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer 9 minutes. Stir often. When thick and creamy, removed from heat. Cool slightly. Refrigerate until chilled (1 1/2 hours).
  2. In a small bowl, combine yogurt with 1/8 teaspoons cinnamon. Set aside.
  3. Stir oatmeal until uniform in texture. Spoon half into a tall glass, top with half the yogurt and half the chopped apple. Repeat.

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