Grandma's Cherry Tarts

I love these tarts! They're great! Trust me, theyre worth making!

Ready In: 35 mins

Serves: 24

Yields: 2 tarts




  1. Sift together the first five ingredients.
  2. Add the frozen and grated margarine, yogurt, egg yolks, and vanilla extract.
  3. Mix together by hand.
  4. Divide dough in half.
  5. Take 3/4 of each half, and roll flat to make bottom crust.
  6. Place in a glass pyrex dish, 9x13x2in.
  7. Fill with pie filling.
  8. Roll remaining quarter of the half flat and cut into half inch strips.
  9. Criss Cross on top of pie filling.
  10. Bake at 350 Degrees for 35-40 minutes.
  11. Repeat with second half of dough.
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