Ginger Lassi

Lassi are drinks made with thinned yogurt. They may be salty or sweet and flavored with fruit or with spices and herbs. This on would be called a "namkeen" or "salty" lassi and is a digestive. It may be served before or during a meal. From Madhur Jaffrey, Show more

Ready In: 10 mins

Serves: 12




  1. Put yogurt in a bowl. Beat lightly with a whisk until light and creamy.
  2. Hold the ginger over the yogurt and squeeze out all of its liquid.
  3. Discard the ginger pulp in your hands.
  4. Add the salt and cumin seeds to the yogurt and mix well.
  5. Slowly pour in about 1/2 cup of water, mixing as you go.
  6. Add ice and mix again.
  7. Taste for balance of flavor.
  8. Pour into serving glass.
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