Garlic Mashed Potatoes With Mushrooms and Arugula (Rocket)

Creammmmy comfort food that you can make a meal out of.

Ready In: 25 mins

Serves: 8




  1. In a large pan heat oil over medium high heat. Add mushrooms, onions, and garlic stirring all the while cooking about 4 minutes the pan will be dry till the mushrooms release some liquid.
  2. Deglaze the pan with vermouth.
  3. Add salt, pepper flakes, herbs, nutmeg and arugula.
  4. Stir to slightly wilt.
  5. Remove to a dish and set aside.
  6. In the same pan heat milk add 1/2 pound blue cheese cook till melted.
  7. Add potatoes and mix together.
  8. Toss in the wilted arugula and mushroom mixture.
  9. Toss in optional crumbled blue cheese.
  10. Season with additional salt and pepper if needed.
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