Fettuccine With Gorgonzola and Broccoli

Food & Wine. Italian.

Ready In: 25 mins

Serves: 4




  1. In a medium stainless-steel pot, combine the broth and wine and bring to a boil over moderate heat. Cook until the mixture is reduced to about 2/3 cup, 5 to 10 minutes.
  2. Reduce the heat to moderately low and add the Gorgonzola, cream, and butter. Bring to a simmer; cook, stirring, until the cheese melts and the sauce thickens slightly, about 5 minutes. Add the salt and pepper. Remove from the heat.
  3. In a large pot of boiling, salted water, cook the pasta until almost done, about 9 minutes. Add the broccoli florets and bring back to a boil. Cook until the broccoli and pasta are just done, about 3 minutes longer. Drain.
  4. Toss the fettuccine and broccoli with the Gorgonzola sauce, Parmesan, and parsley. Serve with extra Parmesan.
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