Chicken Karahi

This is a Special Pakistani Recipe.A special Punjabi recipe from Lahore.I really like this Dish.

Ready In: 30 mins

Serves: 6-8




  1. First, take a vok put it on stove.Add oil and butter.When oil gets hot, add chicken pieces for frying.Now take the fried chicken out of the vok and in the same oil add garlic and ginger paste and stir fry.After 3 minutes add tomatoes(diced) and fry.Add all spices and fry then add the fried chicken,yoghurt and fry 8-10 minutes.
  2. Now cover with lid.Then oil rises up.Add dry fenugreek and chopped ginger, lemon slice,fresh coriander and green chilli,cover with lid. Again lid the dish for 5 minutes with light flame on stove.
  3. Chicken Karahi is now ready to eat.Serve with Home-made chapati or roghni tanoori naan.

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