Bananas With Coconut Milk (Gluten Free)

I love this for breakfast alone or tasty as a topping on Delicious Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Egg-Free Pancakes. It was made up when I was craving a snack. The next morning I wanted something different to please DH so I put it over pancakes. Using the honey option to be more traditional this would end a curry meal nicely. You could also shake on some cinnamon if you like. Yummy! Show more

Ready In: 3 mins

Serves: 2




  1. Separate sliced bananas into two bowls.
  2. Make sure to shake the coconut milk can before opening.
  3. Pour coconut milk over the fruit.
  4. Drizzle with half the maple syrup or honey onto each serving.
  5. Chill if wished.
  6. Enjoy!
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