Bagara Dahi (Curried Yogurt Indian Style)

Bagara Dahi is a yum way to prepare yogurt. It tastes so good that you can eat it on its own! For those of you who prefer not to labor over a hot stove, try this with some steamed basmati rice and enjoy a healthy, nutritious meal. It's a staple at our home especially during summer as curd is known for its cooling character. Show more

Ready In: 15 mins

Serves: 2




  1. Heat oil in a pan and add asafoetida. Cook for 10 seconds. Add mustard seeds or cumin seeds, let crackles. Add curry leaves.
  2. Add sliced onions and fry till golden brown.
  3. Next add sliced chilies and fry for 30 seconds on low flame, stirring constantly.
  4. Add the remaining spices (red chilli powder and turmeric powder) and fry until oil separates.
  5. Turn off the flame.
  6. Add mixture and sugar to whipped yogurt and mix lightly.
  7. Season as per taste.
  8. Garnish with coriander leaves and close the lid.
  9. Let stand to cool.
  10. Serve with steamed basmati rice or stuffed parantha.
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