Apple Cider Syrup

This recipe is being posted to go along with my Mincemeat With Dried Fruit, which calls for 1/4 cup of Apple Cider Syrup. Such syrups can be purchased now, but when I was originally making my mincemeat recipe, I made my own, & still do. This syrup can be used like an syrup, over pancakes, ice cream, pound cake, or spoon several tablespoons of it over apple pie filling before baking! Preparation time is approximate & DOES NOT INCLUDE time for syrup to cool to room temperature. Show more

Ready In: 45 mins

Serves: 12




  1. Boil apple cider until reduced by half.
  2. Add corn syrup & stir well to dissolve.
  3. Continue boiling until reduced to about 4 cups.
  4. Cool to room temperature.
  5. Strain through sieve lined with double thickness of finely meshed cheesecloth.
  6. Pour into quart bottle, cover tightly & refrigerate indefinitely.
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