17-Bean and Barley Soup Mix

Here's a Trader Joe's copycat recipe for their packaged '17-Bean and Barley Mix'. In addition, this soup recipe is printed on the back of the package. The only thing I changed was to use roasted tomatoes for standard (Roasted Summer Tomatoes). You have the option to substitute other beans or legumes of your choice. For example, I replaced the pinto beans with anasazi beans and tossed in a few adzuki beans for good luck. Most of the beans/legumes to prepare this recipe I have on hand in the pantry and those I don't I purchase in the bulk section at the natural food store. The beans/legumes are combined in a large bowl, stored in a container in the pantry; saving the rest for another time. I don't think sauteeing a few mushrooms and adding to the soup would hurt either. For the carnivores, throw in some meat: sausage, leftover chicken or turkey, etc. Makes a great hostess gift, too. The soup can also be prepared in a crock pot on LOW if you prefer. Show more

Ready In: 1 hr 25 mins

Serves: 8




  1. BEAN-BARLEY SOUP MIX: In a bowl combine about 3 heaping tablespoons of each bean/legume. Stir then transfer to an airtight container. Measurement is estimated.
  2. PREPPING BEANS FOR THE SOUP: For this recipe I used the quick soak method for prepping the beans/legumes. To do this, in a large stock pot cover the dried bean mixture with triple their volume of cold water.
  3. Bring water to the boil, lower heat and cook the beans uncovered over moderate heat for 2 minutes.
  4. Remove beans from the heat and set aside to soak for 1 hour. After one hour of soaking, drain the beans and place them back in the pot.
  5. Overnight soak method: Place the beans in a pot and cover with water. The next morning, drain and rinse the beans and then continue with recipe in Step #6.
  6. SOUP PREPARATION: Pour 4 cups of vegetable broth or chicken broth into the pot of beans.
  7. In a separate saute pan, cook onion, celery, carrot, bell pepper, Italian seasoning and garlic in olive oil until soft.
  8. Combine this mixture along with the tomatoes in the pot of beans and cover with the remaining broth.
  9. Cover and simmer approximately 1 hour or to desired tenderness.
  10. Check the broth level periodically and add more broth if necessary so that the soup does not dry out. I left the soup thick but made sure to check that the soup was not drying out.
  11. Season with salt and pepper to taste. I ended up adding 1/2 teaspoon of Annie's brand Worcestershire sauce to the soup.
  12. If desired, a small amount of fresh parsley garnished each serving, as a suggestion.
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