I live in Alaska. I am a Mental Health Clinician. I have 7 children (his, mine & ours) ranging in age from 33 to 19. We have 3 beautiful granddaughters and 3 awesome grandsons. Our newest grandson, Jared Elijah - born 6/29/2008. Our newest granddaughter, Morgan Elizabeth - born 9/10/2008. Our oldest granddaughters - Kailey and Addisyn (with grandma & grandpa) The top photo is my dd, Jacelyn aka FraggleJ and her two boys. She was expecting her daughter when the photo was taken. The other photo is Jacob & grandma :), both were taken last Saturday (03/29/08) while we were climbing a local butte. Those two little boys did an amazingly good job of hiking the steep trail (so did grandma!). Food is my passion. I love to cook, I love to read recipes, I have hundreds of cookbooks. My favorite cookbook is Recipezaar! Since I joined in 2002 it has become the first place I go when looking for a recipe. Cooking is what I do for fun. I love to travel! Not only do I get to see new places and meet interesting people - I get to try new food. My other passions are my grandkids!!! Nothing beats grandmahood. Create your own visitor map!