Zen Rice Salad

"Hot weather is upon us and I don't like to spend too much time in the kitchen heating it up. I like to eat simpler and fresher, so tasty, main-course salads are the ticket! This salad makes me feel so good eating it, bringing balance to my appetite and my health, hence the name."
photo by Rita1652 photo by Rita1652
photo by Rita1652
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  • Bring 1 1/4 cups rice and 2 1/2 cups water to the boil in a small saucepan. Add a dash of salt, lower heat to lowest setting, cover pot and cook rice for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool to nearly room temperature, covered. Uncover and fluff with a fork (the arborio will not fluff like a pilaf does, but will have nice, toothsome chunks of sticky rice).
  • Empty rice into a large bowl. Add beans, corn, tuna, parsley, onion, celery, dill pickles and raisins. Combine.
  • Make dressing: Put all dressing ingredients in a mini-processor and whizz to emulsify. If you don't think it is tart enough, add more lime juice and/or balsamic. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Pour dressing over the salad and stir gently to coat all ingredients. Taste salad and adjust seasoning as it may need more salt and pepper, as per your preference.
  • Chill for at least 2 hours before serving to allow flavors to blend.

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  1. This makes a lot! Although I halved the recipe it was still more than plenty. The dressing is tangy and goes well with the salad. The leftovers needed a little more juice so I made some more dressing the next day. I think I would have preferred chick peas instead of the kidney beans but that is a matter of taste. All in all a good recipe with potential to play with. Thanks for creating and posting. Made for Raiders of the Lost Pantry Contest.
  2. I cut back to 2 servings then found this served more like 4-6 servings. The peas I didn't cook no need. I used frozen roasted corn, the tuna was a 5 ounce can, the kidney beans I used the whole 14 ounce canned, loved the pickles in this it was a nice tease every now n then making you want more. I did add a red bell pepper that I had left over from an other recipe. As for the dressing I did double the chili sauce. Tasted at that point and was delish but after chilling it could have used more dressing. We would have enjoyed some heat from pepper flakes or a jalapeno. That being said all in all very good. You got the tang from the pickles and lime, Sweet from the sauce, corn and raisins, salty from the tuna and then all the textures!! But I must say left overs were dry and need some babying. So make and serve the same day.


  1. This makes a lot! Although I halved the recipe it was still more than plenty. The dressing is tangy and goes well with the salad. The leftovers needed a little more juice so I made some more dressing the next day. I think I would have preferred chick peas instead of the kidney beans but that is a matter of taste. All in all a good recipe with potential to play with. Thanks for creating and posting. Made for Raiders of the Lost Pantry Contest.


<style>body { background: url("http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3639/3512121819_f2f1aaf050.jpg?v=0"); background-repeat: repeat-y; }</style> OK, here goes. I live in Athens, Greece. I moved out here many, many years ago from Ottawa, Canada - so I am blessed in having two wonderful heritages! I suffer from compulsive obsessive behaviour with regard to food and my psychiatrist thought it would be a good idea to find a 'society' where many have the same problem and try to find a cure. So far, I've copied a couple of thousand recipes from this site and my psychiatrist has thrown the towel in and refuses to answer the phone when I call. What did I do wrong? Got 3 kids that keep me on the go - 10 and under at this point (2008) - I may not get round to updating this for a few years, so you'll have to do your own maths. I teach English full-time and Greek Cookery part-time. I would like to make the cooking part of it full-time and the English Grammar part of it part-time. That's all for now.
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