Yam/Sweet Potato Cucumber Onion Salad

"I had some fresh small cucumbers and one large yam so decided to make a salad with the vegies. This has a sweet vinegary dressing. For large servings double the recipe."
photo by a food.com user photo by a food.com user
Ready In:




  • Put all of the vegetables in a medium salad bowl or large gallon sige zip lock bag.
  • Put all of the dressing ingredients in a
  • Container with lid that does not leak or a plastic zip lock bag and shake, shake, shake.
  • Taste. If too vinegary for your taste buds, add a little more evaporated milk and shake again.
  • Pour over vegies and mix with a spoon.
  • Or,pour over the vegies in a zip lock bag and shake shake shake.
  • Chill at least two hours or can be overnight. I like to shake the mixture at least twice before serving.
  • Note: You can use brown sugar if you prefer. Chilling time is not listed in the preparation.

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