Whipped Cream

"This is the perfect topping for your Thanksgiving pumpkin pie. It is also wonderful on top of most desserts, especially fresh berries! Enjoy! (cook time is beat time!)"
photo by Beth M photo by Beth M
photo by Beth M
photo by Beth M photo by Beth M
photo by Beth M photo by Beth M
Ready In:
3 cups




  • Chill deep bowl and beaters of electric mixer in freezer for at least 20 minutes.
  • (If freezer is too crowded to fit bowl, place beaters in bowl, fill bowl with ice water, and chill on counter. When bowl and beaters are well chilled, dump out water and dry thoroughly.) Add cream, sugar, and vanilla to chilled bowl.
  • Beat on low speed until small bubbles form, about 30 seconds.
  • Increase speed to medium and continue beating until beaters leave a trail, about 30 seconds.
  • Increase speed to high and continue beating until cream is smooth, thick, and nearly doubled in volume, about 20 seconds for soft peaks or about 30 seconds for stiff peaks.
  • If necessary, finish beating with whisk to adjust consistency.
  • Serve immediately or spoon into fine sieve or strainer set over measuring cup and refrigerate for up to 8 hours.

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  1. I recently had whipped cream and strawberries at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. THIS is that good. I increaed the portion to 1 pint of heavy cream, 3 tb of sugar and 3/4 tsp of vanilla extract.<br/>The freezing of the mixing bowl and the mixer tools makes this ready in 4 minutes! <br/>Awesome!
  2. Wonderful! These whipped up much quicker than I expected. Using a hand-held electric beater, it took maybe 4 minutes altogether. I added about 1/2 a cup of confectioner's sugar though. And I added 2 tbsp of vanilla pudding mix to keep the cream from weeping/melting for a week.
  3. I made a this in my kitchenmaid stand mixer, started on low and then just let it go! I used it as cream puff filling - much lighter than custard - and so good. I'm thinking no more store bought whipped topping! Thanks.
  4. Exactly the way my mother taught me -- except for the part about refrigerating in a strainer so it doesn't get watery. All these years, she and I scurried around madly at the last instant whipping cream for holiday desserts. Thanks for the great make-ahead tip!!
  5. Great instructions! Chilling the bowl and beaters must have been the trick because this whipped right up even though I only had a little over a cup of heavy cream and used evaporated skim milk to make up the difference. I did use more sugar - I know it is bad for us, but . . . It tastes perfect!


I live in Omaha NE and am an audiologist at Boys Town National Research Hospital. I love to cook, as does my husband Michael. In the summer, we have a large garden and try to use alot of fresh fruits/veggies in our cooking. We have a 5 year old daughter, Kate and almost 2 year old son Sam and enjoy introducing them to new foods. One of their favorites is fresh pesto smeared on crackers!
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