Vienna Crescents

"I have to thank my Grandma Schatz for these delectable cookies. I always bake them to take to parties and Open Houses during the Christmas holidays, but these are wonderful any time of year! You can substitute ground walnut meats if that's easier, but the toasted hazelnuts taste amazing!"
photo by Divaconviva photo by Divaconviva
photo by Divaconviva
photo by Divaconviva photo by Divaconviva
photo by Divaconviva photo by Divaconviva
Ready In:
1hr 15mins
6 Dozen




  • Preheat oven to 300 degrees Farenheit.
  • Grind the nuts (A mouli grater works quickly and easily).
  • Work butter and sugar in a bowl until creamy.
  • Add flour, salt, vanilla and nuts; mix until well blended.
  • Using your hands, take ball of dough the size of a medium orange, and work it on the counter using both hands, rolling it until it looks like a rope, almost ½ inch thick. I have never chilled the dough, but you might chill it if you find it easier for handling it.
  • Cut into three-inch lengths.
  • Place on ungreased cookie sheet, either on foil or parchment paper, curving them into “C” shapes about one inch apart, and bake 18 to 20 minutes.
  • Cool crescents until cool enough to handle, and roll in confectioner's sugar, pressing gently so as not to break them, until completely covered.
  • Makes about 6 dozen cookies.
  • TOASTING HAZELNUTS: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place hazelnuts in single layer on cookie sheet and toast until the skins begin to split, about 10 minutes. Rub the warm nuts vigorously with a clean kitchen towel to remove the skins. Return nuts to the pan and toast until fragrant and golden brown, about 2 – 3 minutes more. (Remember to turn oven down for the cookies.).

Questions & Replies

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  1. I have not tried your recipe, but I make the same recipe, only with finely chopped walnuts instead of hazelnuts, & it is absolutely DELICIOUS! I'm sure they are just as good with hazelnuts.


Hi, everyone! My name is Ellen. I was born in the town so nice, they named it twice - New York, New York! I grew up in Ossining, NY, just minutes outside of Manhattan. My grandma immigrated to New York from Austria, and owned a delicatessen for years right near the original Yankee Stadium. She was a fabulous cook and baker, as was my mother, and I learned a lot about food preparation from both of them. I could cook a complete meal for eight people by the time I was in the third grade. I always loved to cook, and with two such great teachers, how could I not?! I am a born-again Christian, and I have enjoyed serving on different ministries at my church, the most recent one being data-entering the info and prayer requests handed in every week on the Care & Communication Cards, and then I follow up with phone calls & emails to welcome, answer any questions, and assist, if needed. I also work with Community Caregivers, an organization providing all kinds of assitance to people who have need, including delivering prescriptions, providing transportation to doctor appointments, helping the visually disabled with paperwork, etc. It has been a great growing experience for me. This is Jeff, my husband and most appreciative gourmand. This is Cricket, our American Eskimo. He is pure energy! This is Daphne, our Bluetick Hound. She is a sweetheart! Here's a video of a youth drama/dance from GodTube that is absolutely one of my favorites! Thank you, SusieQusie! Thank you, Susie D! Thank you, FloridaNative! This four-pound lobstah is our idea of a perfect picnic supper! Here are several photos I've taken of our yard from mid-Spring to late-Summer
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