Toasted Spice Blend (Africa - Morocco)

"I liked this recipe I found in "Food for 50" for it's ease of prep & because it would allow me to bring a taste of Africa & Morocco to my Icelandic kitchen. It's also the 1st recipe I've seen that came w/a "warning" of sorts - "Use sparingly to season soups, stews & meats. The flavor profile compliments Moroccan & African dishes, but remember spice flavors intensify when toasted." (Use for marinades, rubs & general seasoning)"
photo by COOKGIRl photo by COOKGIRl
photo by COOKGIRl
photo by COOKGIRl photo by COOKGIRl
photo by COOKGIRl photo by COOKGIRl
photo by Fairy Nuff photo by Fairy Nuff
Ready In:
1 Cup




  • Combine spices. Spread in a thin, even layer in a dry skillet.
  • Cook over med heat for approx 1-2 min, till fragrant & just beginning to smoke. Shake pan throughout cooking to prevent burning.
  • Cool & store in airtight container for up to 2 wks.

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  1. I made up a 1/2 batch today and loved the smell of the various spices together! Haven't cooked with it yet, but have been sprinkling it onto everything - salads, meats, veggies. It is a great addition. A keeper, Mary Pat.
  2. I halved this recipe...simply because I didn't have 4 Tbl of ground ginger. I did use it the same day...making a lovely vegetable curry and we loved the flavours! This is quite a hot mix - we don't mind hot at all. I'd happily use this wherever a recipe calls for curry powder...and definitely in Moroccan and African recipes!!
  3. I tried to use as many whole spices as available in my pantry. Ground them finely in a clean coffee mill (which I own for this specific purpose). Tested on a quick garbanzo bean salad: beans, spice mixture, olive oil, vinegar, salt, pepper and fresh cilantro. Monday we'll test the mixture on grilled tofu. Reviewed for ZWT 6.
  4. This is so fragrant and yummy. This can be used on so many dishes. I plan on using this tonight on flank steak. Made for ZWT 6.
  5. I can't believe I have never rated this. I am going through the vast majority of condiment recipes (about 400-some pages worth lol) and came across this one again. This is a wonderful spice blend. I need to make another batch of this one. When I had it around before, I always used a fair amount when I made curries and it is wonderful mixed with either chutney or marmalade and used on chicken breasts. I also loved to just stand there and smell it hehe.


I am an American transplanted from Dallas to Iceland by marriage to a native Icelander & I retired to become his "Kitchen Queen". We love to entertain our family & friends, so I have an eclectic collection of recipes. I especially love simple, easy-fix, flexible & make-ahead recipes - BUT also like challenging myself on occasion. I enjoy baking & food photography. I am devoted to the "More is Always Better Principle" & apply it liberally to bacon, butter & garlic. I can have ingredient issues due to availability here in Iceland & my DH is medically diet-restricted from some ingredients as well. Either situation might require me to modify a recipe, but I will do my best to be true to your recipes & fair/honest in my reviews. Mary Pat (aka twissis)
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