Ted Kennedy's Favorite Lobster Salad

"I copied this from somewhere. I love lobster!"
photo by Peter J photo by Peter J
photo by Peter J
Ready In:
2hrs 15mins




  • Cook the corn and then scrape off the kernels over a bowl and set aside.
  • Put the tomatoes, avocado and corn into a bowl and add the lobster meat and toss gently.
  • In a small bowl, combine the mayonnaise, with the milk and mix until smooth.
  • Sprinkle the lobster mixture with dill, salt and pepper, then add the mayonnaise mixture and stir briefly so the sauce barely holds the rest of the ingredients together.
  • Cover and refrigerate for a few hours before serving.

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  1. Yum! Made a great light meal, Ted Kennedy must have eaten quite a lot of this to end up with his stature! The only changes I made to the recipe was to use cherry tomatoes cut in half and natural yoghurt rather thank milk mixed with the mayonnaise, I thought the former may have left the texture a bit thin. Served of the top of a mesclun mix with a few other salad vegetables and it was great.


<p>I've collected recipes since I was a teen. After all these years I'm trying to get all my index cards and clippings, that still sound interesting to me, posted here so that I can find them and eventually make them! <br /> <br />I've posted some of my Mom's recipes. I regret not having paid more attention to my Grandmothers' cooking. They made some dishes that I miss and there were/are no recipes for them. <br /> <br />I have a wonderful DH and 2 wonderful sons. They are thrilled that I found this site since they directly benefit from it! Before finding 'Zaar, I was less of a cook and more of a recipe collector but now I try many more things and we're having more fun in the kitchen (at least I am)! <br /> <br />Thanks for all your ratings, comments and help in the forums AND for posting so many great recipes. You've enhanced my cooking skills and expanded my horizons! I've learned so much. <br /> <br />For fun, I also like to read fiction, travel, see movies and shows, shop (and I love to browse thrift shops and rummage/garage sales for cookbooks, etc.). <br /> <br />The discovery of a new dish does more for the happiness of mankind than the discovery of a new star Brillat-Savarin</p>
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