Sweet Mustard Sauce
- Ready In:
- 20mins
- Ingredients:
- 4
- Yields:
1 cup
- 1⁄2 cup vinegar
- 1⁄2 cup sugar
- 1 tablespoon mustard powder
- 1 egg, slightly beaten
- In a small saucepan, combine sugar and dry mustard.
- Stir in vinegar; mix well.
- Whisk in beaten egg until smooth.
- Cook over low heat until sauce thickens, stirring constantly.
I made the recipe as stated with two minor changes...I added salt (I salt everything without exception)and I mixed the egg into the sugar and mustard before adding the vinegar because I think eggs blend better in "dry" sugar if you want them to be smooth. This smelled really strong of vinegar while cooking (duh). I haven't been out to eat in several years and the recipe for McD's mustard dipping sauce may have changed, but this reminds me of what they had/have?. Next time I will probably reduce the vinegar by a tablespoon and add a tablespoon of water in it's place so my "vinegar hating" husband might like it...then again...maybe not...LOL...Thank you.
clarksville, tn
I am a teacher, and have been married to my high school sweetheart for almost 9 years. I have a niece who is 7, and a nephew who is 1. Also, I have 2 sweet kitties. Sinatra is a bit on the plump side, and Audrey is a petite dainty thing. They both are almost mirror images of each other.
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