Steve's Garlic and Lime Sauce

"Compliments of our friend Steve back in the states. Beware of the size of limes used as too much juice can be overpowering."
photo by katia photo by katia
photo by katia
Ready In:
1/3 Cup




  • Heat the oil in a small saucepan until very hot.
  • Add the garlic and cook, swirling the pan, until just golden.
  • Remove from heat and whisk in the lime zest and juice.
  • Season with salt and pepper.
  • Drizzle over cooked fish.

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  1. Great flavor! Yesterday I had grilled fish and it was a perfect time for this sauce. I also added fresh parsley for the aroma and the colour and a tiny amount of oregano! I had never tasted garlic on grilled fish, but it is so good! I reduced the amount of the oil and next time I'll use olive oil instead of canola oil. Thanks for posting!
  2. I really enjoyed this recipe but I have to say that you really don't need much to serve with your fish, etc. as it is (obviously) quite oily. Just a drizzle is perfect. I made it as directed (nearly setting fire to the oil in the process!!) and served over salmon. The flavours were fairly delicate but I was quite cautious with the lime following the intro comments and so perhaps this was my fault. I will probably tamper with the garlic and lime amounts a bit to get everything to my liking but this was a good, easy (although a little scary with the hot oil!) recipe and a definite keeper.


  1. Great flavor! Yesterday I had grilled fish and it was a perfect time for this sauce. I also added fresh parsley for the aroma and the colour and a tiny amount of oregano! I had never tasted garlic on grilled fish, but it is so good! I reduced the amount of the oil and next time I'll use olive oil instead of canola oil. Thanks for posting!


<img src=> UPDATED: 15 Aug 2007 Hi! Thanks for taking a peek at my page! I'm formally from East Norriton, PA, a suburb of Philadelphia. After 21 years of marriage, got divorced and met a Brit living in the U.S. He decided to come back to his homeland and I came over here about a year later. We were married in October 2005. Here I am down at Viking Bay which is only two miles from our house. My hubby grew up down here and I love living near the seaside. <img src=> <img src=> We adopted two rescue cats in May 2007 and now I have some company during the day! (Yeah sure, great company they are when they sleep all day!) Our two 'children'... Noddy (Lord of Nottingham) <img src=> <img src=> Alfie (Sir Alfred) <img src=> <img src=> I really have it made I think. I have a husband who can cook! I cook during the week and Peter cooks on the weekends. I have included some of his concoctions in my list of recipes. <img src=> Me at the Scotland border, August 2005 <img src=> I'm still unemployed which gives me plenty of time to experiment in the kitchen. I love to cook and try different things and 'Zaar has really helped in that aspect. I'd love to start my own business someday selling some of my homemade creations. <img src=> <img src=> <img src=> I'm a Betty Boop freak and have loads of stuff that I've collected over the years including a porcelain doll of her in a wedding dress and I even have her tattooed on my ankle. <img src="><img border="0" src=""> ~~~~~~~<img src=> I enjoy doing cross stitch, cooking, baking and entertaining and hubby and I love our wines! Some of my pet peeves are bad hygiene, rudeness, bad manners, laziness and people who litter. My favorite cookbook is my Betty Crocker Cookybook. I've had a copy since I was about 12 and it was falling apart. My brother got me a new copy a couple of years ago from ebay and it was a FIRST EDITION and was in excellent condition. Now that I'm here in England, I find myself collecting more cookbooks. I'm going to need another room just for them if I don't cut down a bit! <img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"> <img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><img src=> <img src=""><img src=> <img src=""><img src=""><img src="" border="0" alt="adoptatagparticipant" title="Photo and Video Sharing"/> <img src=> <img src=""> <img src=> <img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"> <img src="" target="_blank" title="web site hit counter"><img border="0" alt="web site hit counter" src=""></a>
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