Sauerbraten & Ginger

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  • Place the beef roast in a deep ceramic or glass bowl.
  • Add onions,peppercorns, cloves, and bay leaf.
  • Pour white vinegar and cider vinegar over the meat; chill, covered, for 4 days.
  • Turn meat twice each day.
  • Remove the meat from the marinade, dry it well with paper towels, and strain the marinade into a bowl.
  • Reserve onions and 1 cup marinade.
  • In a dutch oven brown the meat on all sides in hot vegetable oil.
  • Sprinkle meat with salt.
  • Pour boiling water around the meat.
  • Sprinkle in crushed gingersnaps, and simmer covered for 1 1/2 hours.
  • Turn often.
  • Add 1 cup of reserved marinade and cook meat 2 hours or more, until tender.
  • Remove the meat and keep it warm.
  • Strain the cooking juices into a large saucepan.
  • In a small bowl mix sour cream with flour.
  • Stir it into the cooking juices and cook, stirring, until sauce is thickened and smooth.
  • Slice meat in 1/4-inch slices; add to hot gravy.
  • Arrange meat on a heated plater and pour extra sauce over it.

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  1. WOW..WOW..WOW..Oh Mimi, just like eating in small German home style resturant! All that was needed was some dark beer and a guy in lederhosen! LOL I loved this....Roast was so tender, gravy so delightful and not a difficult recipe either. Ty for stirring my memory and tantalizing my taste buds!
  2. I've never been a big fan of German cooking, but recently went on a random kick--fortunately, this was one of the recipes I tried. Even though there's a lot of prep and cook time, this is very easy, and the result is delicious. I couldn't even slice the roast--the meat fell apart when my knife touched it, it was so tender! The bottom line: Yum!
  3. After you make this once, and go to make it again, you will hardly be able to stand waiting the couple of days this dish takes to make. But is sooooo worth it!


Very busy nanny/au pair, working for a very rich and snooty family, in a very large home, in a very snooty village. Just in case my employer comes here, please don't ask where I am from, or I'll be sacked like the last nanny was. ;-) I take care of 4 gorgeous, and darling kids. 3 girls and a boy. The boy is the youngest (and my favorite). They are great children, very, very active. (Hyper) I love to cook. I guess that's a given, why else would I be here. Part of my job is also to prepare meals for the family. The more they like my food, the longer I get to stay. (just a little joke) On my day off, I usually go out to the cinema or some dance clubs with the other au pairs in this town. That's about it I think.
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