Roasted Vegetable Quinoa Stew

"Had more vegetables left over this week than I this recipe was born. I made it vegetarian by choice but I believe that chicken or a strong-flavored fish would enhance this stew. If I was doing it that way, I would add already cooked, at the end of cooking the stew.I served my stew with toasted pita halves stuffed with chopped tomatoes, sliced black olives and diced hard cooked eggs. I mixed the stuffing with a little bit of french dressing and black pepper. Along with a glass of ice tea, it turned out to be a great meal!"
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Ready In:




  • Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees.
  • Toss all the vegetables (minus garlic) in a large bowel with the olive oil.
  • Turn out on a large flat sheet pan with lips.
  • Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  • Roast for 20 to 30 minutes turning over half way through or until showing signs of dark brown edges.
  • While vegetables are roasting, prepare quinoa.
  • Place toasted quinoa in large pot with cover. Add garlic, water and sea salt. Bring to a boil, Stir and reduce heat to low.
  • Simmer for 30 minutes, covered.
  • Remove cover, Stir and continue simmering until all the water has evaporated. When done, fluff with fork.
  • Add roasted vegetables (also chicken or fish) to pot and mix gentle. Add 1 cup of broth to moisten. Add more broth to taste.
  • Nothing left to do now but eat!

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Before you read anything about me, please know this.....I have started a home-based business and it really keeps me busy. So I had to decide what things had to go or be changed in my life. This one relates to YOU!. If you are kind enough to review (even take pictures, WOW!) of one of my recipes, please know that I thank you very much, but you might not get a response from me unless I have some spare time. So to all of you in advance, THANK YOU! <br>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~UPDATE: ( Sept. 6th 2009 ) WOW! Another year older and still kickin'. It has been a very busy year as last August I opened Wag Time, a doggie day care and lodging business. It has grown from one or two dogs a weekend to seven fulltime weekday pups; every weekend; and lots of vacation stayovers! I have not had a free day since Memorial Day....and I'm not complaining! Even had to hire a partime helper! So now with my four students and lots of dogs, I'm enjoying each and every day. But....other than not getting much of a social life with family and friends, I have much less time to spend on Zaar. Each time I get on, there is so much going on, so many new faces that I never see all of it. <br>To all my loving friends on CC, please know that you are not forgotten, just on hold for a while. <br>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <br>I finally made it! Not that I REALLY wanted too...but somethings you have no control over. There were times that I worked really hard to avoid it, and other times when I just threw up my hands and said a big, So What! There have been those in my life that said it really doesn't matter...and yet...Oh, what am I talking about? My 65th birthday, what else? I still think it is a mistake! I DO believe my husband was sitting around the big dinner table in the sky and he told the angels that I love to pull a good prank and to get even with me for all I pulled on him, I became 65!. I know that is what happened cause everybody KNOWS I'm only thirty! Okay...forty. (Wow, this is outdated for sure!) <br>Been cooking since I was ten, making the evening vegetable. By twelve I pretty much took over the family kitchen and I've been cooking ever since! Love all kinds of food but probably favor Asian-style cuisine the most. I LOVE to create my own thing..from breakfasts to midnite snacks and everything in between. Have six grandchildren and WAS busy making that expected cookbook for them, but I have most of it here on Zaar now. I say most of it cause I'm not finished creating different things. <br> Guess there is only one food item that I stay strictly away from and that is okra, otherwise I'm open to try most anything...well at least a healthy taste! Update 2007: After trying to use this food item in different recipes, I have to add blue cheese to keep the okra company. <br>Retired from a long nursing career due to poor eyesight and now am a SAHM - YES, I AM! I have international students in my home and I'm the Big Mamma!. Get lots of original recipes through them and always try to cook foods from their homelands. Due to their different likes and dislikes, I am always tweaking recipes. <br>For the past several yrs, I have changed my eating patterns for a more healthly life style. Each New Year resolution was bringing me closer to reaching my goal. I have now stopped my changes as I feel (and my doctor) that I am in the best control in my adult life. My weight is stable at 150 (give or take a lbs or two), and at 5ft,6inches, I'm happy. My cholestrol is about the same as my weight. My B/P still needs help with some medicine, but is maintained. Only my eyes cause any problem. So after the last few years of problems, I'm grateful that God has allowed me more time to show him that I am trying to take care of the body he gave me. It sure helped to have so many Zaarites supporting and befriending me.
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